Thursday, July 26, 2007

Time and Time Again...

I've been thinking how pathetic it is that we have this great blog site, available for anyone to find out updates on us, if they care to, yet somehow it only gets updated every couple months!! So sad!! If anyone still checks for updates, my greatest apologies for not giving you something exciting to read, much less anything new at all!

Since my last post, many things have changed! The biggest news is that we are FINALLY done with the apartment stage of life! We are renting a wonderful 3/2 house in Richardson, and are absolutly loving every square inch! We've gone from about 800 sq. ft. to almost triple that! I've got my own wonderful office setup and Aaron has his own separate office setup as well! It works out great since we are both running our own businesses out of our home, we each have our own space to spread out and use. The downside to renting is that it makes no sense to try and do any updates since we don't own it, so we're getting used to the 1950's kitchen and windows. The rest of the house is wonderful, with the original dark hardwood floors throughout and the nice big rooms. I'll update with photos next time, it needs to be cleaned first!

Another big thing is that Aaron's business is going well, ( and he has taken on working at our church 20 hours a week as a contract IT person. I can't begin to tell you how nice it is to have at least some consistent income to be able to budget with!

My business is going great as well( I have greatly expanded my life of products to include journals, notepads, fridgepads, baby books, pregnancy journals, planners, binders, address books, family binders and more! I am constantly coming up with new ideas and barely have enough time to even try them out! I had a chance in June to have a booth at McKinney Trade Days (for all of you who don't know what that is, it's an organized outdoor flea market) Texas is widely known for our upscale flea markets! Although the weekend was a flop, caused by none other than the awful turential downpors we have experienced for weeks on end, I did meet a wonderful lady there who does a lot of the upscale jr. league shown in town and she offered to let me setup with her for free in exchange for help with her embroidery business! SOOOOO exciting! So come October and November, I'll be super busy with a different show almost every weekend! I can't wait to see what the Lord does!

We have projected December as our magic "get-out-of-debt" month and so far we're right on schedule! This is very encouraging for us and has been a long time coming! It finally allows us to begin thinking through the family stage of life, andno one is more ready then I! The Lord has truly blessed us with Aaron's business and mine as well and I am encouraged and brought to my knees everyday thanking him for his rich blessings and provision! I find myself more aware of prayer now, since I spend lots of time praying for jobs for Aaron, and praying for the Lord's will with my business.

We are still plugging away at our church( Being involved with the high school ministry is wonderful! We love the kids and I have had the great pleasure of helping out one of my closest friends with her group of soon to be sophomore's. I am so excited to dive in with them this fall and help her lead them into a deeper relationship with the Lord. I know it will help keep me on my toes! Aaron still loves to help out with the programming side of things. He's so great up on stage when they are doing all the funny youth group skit stuff! He makes me laugh like no one else can!

Our community group is going great. Having a close knit group of friends to share life with is so wonderful! We are getting ready to meet a new member of the group in just a few weeks as well. Karla, one of the wives, and also one of my closest friends, is having her 2nd baby, a little girl!! We can't wait to meet her! We've had the blessing of watching Dustin and Karla start their family with Noah almost two years ago and to see him grow into such a little man is so amazing! I can't wait to see how great of a big brother he will be to baby girl!

I guess that's really our only update, for now at least! I"d love to hear how each of you are doing! I'm praying for you and love you all!!
