Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Long Time Coming

WE'RE DEBT FREE!!!! Oh how I've longed to say those words for sooo many years and so many different reasons! Our opportunity finally arrived on the night of January 11, 2008. That night will be forever ingrained in my mind as one of the most special and freeing nights of my life! As most of you know, Aaron and I have been working our tails off since we were first married to get out of debt and be free from the financial burdens that come along with owing money to others. As hard as the road has been, it has been equally rewarding. Some of the things the Lord has taught us during this season of life:

-The Lord is faithful
-The Lord will provide for our EVERY need
-The Lord is patient
-The Lord desires to give us His best, not for us to settle for what we think is best for ourselves
-The Lord loves us unconditionally

There's not many times in my life I can honestly say I've been obedient to the Lord, but I will say that EVERY time he has asked me to obey him, I have never had a single regret. There truly is a different kind of freedom that comes with being debt free.

Thank you to all of you who have prayed for us, with us and encouraged us along this journey. We are so excited to continue down the path that the Lord has for us as we venture into our next phase of life!