Monday, December 19, 2005

Too Long, Too long!

Us, November 2005

I must apologize for the gap in communication here! It's amazing how fast life goes by the older you get! Well, let's see, since my last update, my sister has welcomed Miriam Elizabeth into this world, my grandmother found out that she has breast cancer, has been healed of all the cancer in her body, and my grandfather has joined sweet Jesus in heaven! A lot has taken place over the past two months. A lot of hard times and yet so many wonderful and joyous times as well. The Lord has truly blessed our family so much and has brought us all so much closer to each other and more importantly, to Him. I am realizing, over and over again, the importance of having a solid family and a supportive church. I know I have said this so many times, but our church here in Dallas is just so devoted to the Lord and although we are not a perfect people, we choose to serve a perfect God! Apartment Life is going well, we are keeping extremly busy with it. I'd thought we would kind of have the routine down by now, but nope, it's still overwhelming at times! Always exciting though! Work is good, I'm continuing to work my way up in the company and have taken on yet another role of heading up a brand new HR department. Remember it's only a company of 12 so far, so it's not that big of a task, but it's nice to start out small so that mistakes are an easier recovery! I'm also continuing as the Office Manager and Accounting Person as well. We have recently brought on two contract Controllers, one of which I think is moving towards full time with our company so that will be a nice weight lifted off my shoulders, hopefully! Aaron has also found new employment!! Praise the Lord! He is employed by a company and contracted out to a different company working as an internal IT person. He absolutely loves it and is hoping to be hired on directly with the company wihtin the next few months! We are continuing to pursue a small group of three other young married couples that we will be meeting with more often after the 1st of the year and will continue to build that community with them, the girls meeting for bible study and the guys will start meeting for accountability and bible study as well. We are also continuing to work on getting out of debt and are quickly coming to the finish line! We hope to be completely out of debt by our 2nd anniversary, August 2006! Praise the Lord for that as well! Anyway, I guess that's it for now. No baby Garcia's on the way yet, but you never know what the Lord has in store! We love you all and pray for blessings for you and your family during this wonderful Christmas season!! Love and hugs! Aaron and Jill.

Baby Miriam Elizabeth Leacock

Monday, September 12, 2005

Time flies when you're having fun!!

It's been quite a while since I (Jill) have posted anything and thought it would be fun to update in my own words! Apartment Life is wonderful! Being a CAREs Team has been so much more than I ever thought it would be, challenging, humbling, rewarding and exciting! We are so blessed to have such an amazing management team as well as a supportive church behind us all the way! Watermark has just hired a new guy, Troy, who is helping carry out Watermark's goal of placing 20 new Watermark Cares Teams within a 5 mile radius of the church. What an awesome vision and goal. I am so excited to see how the Lord will use each of us already placed to help make this happen!! Work is great. I am working 35 hours a week as an Office and HR Manager at a small Physician Telecommunications company in Addison and absolutely love it! It's nice to be in a position where I have freedom to make it my own and take charge of it. My boss is awesome as well as all of my co-workers. Aaron and I are still getting used to the adjustment of not having as much "free time" as we used to but we are making sure we spend time for just us so that we can focus on our marriage and continue to build it as Christ would have us do. We ask for prayer as we continue into September with a jam packed schedule. We ask that you pray for the Lord to continue to fill us up so that we may continue to pour out to our residents here at JPC. We love knowing that we have so many people we can count on praying for us and we love y'all!! That's it for now. Until next time...God Bless Abundantly!! Jill

Thursday, July 14, 2005

And it begins....

So we are now residing in our new humble abode, and we are loving the new place. We moved in July 1 and that was quite an adventure, and we started up the next day with Apartment Life. We threw a poolside barbecue, and we had a great turn out. I don't have the specific number of attendance but I believe it was above 100. We are thankful for the Campus Crusade summer project college students for coming out and helping us serve. They brought a snow cone machine which was a big hit. The next event was actually last night and that was a Game night we entitled Battle of the Sexes. We didn't have the turnout we had for the pool party but we had a great time with three of our residents. It was just a good time to hang.
We are still in the process of moving but we are hoping that by the end of the month we will be completely in. Thank you Lord.
We ask that all of you continue to pray for us as we are trying to figure out our schedules. We want to make sure that as we do this ministry we also make time for us and our marriage, because we know that we won't be nearly as effective if 1) our personal relationship with the Lord isn't where it needs to be and 2) that our relationship with each other isn't where it should be. We ask for continual prayer for the management team of the Apartment complex and for the residents, that God's love will be seen through us and that opportunities will arise where we will be able to share the gospel and the free gift that God has to offer them. We thank you guys for your support and your prayers. We love you all.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Jefferson here we come!

Ok, so what is Jefferson you ask? Actually it is part of the name of the new apartment complex, Jefferson at Park Central where we will be residing and involved with Apartment life. We are really excited about this move and the opportunity this brings for the ministry! We will be partnered up with another couple who attend our church. They are young and we actually met them awhile back. They were apart of our young marrieds group. So right off the bat we will have help and encouragement from a team that has already done this for awhile. We would ask all you to be praying for the hearts of the tenents of the complex that they will be receptive to us. Pray that we will be a light in this place, and that we will be faithful and available for whatever God has in store for us. Pray that we will be able to come together with the other couple and use our strengths to make this ministry great in His name. Pray for our time management and our transition since we will literally be jumping into everything as soon as we move in which is July 2nd. Pray that the move goes well and that all that runs smoothly. We thank all of you who already pray for us daily, we appreciate it greatly.
If you would like to see where we will be living you can click on link above and see the complex or click here for a layout of the actual apartment. They are very nice luxury apartments with plenty of amenities and not very far from either of our jobs. Now that we have an extra bedroom, we would love to have people come and stay with us as soon as we get settled, so don't hesitate!

Friday, June 10, 2005

My little blog...

Hey all!! As Aaron mentioned I began a new job at Phytel, Inc. on June 1st. Although I do not have a set job title, I basically am the office manager. So far it has been great! I was kind of thrown into the fire from day one, but I love a good challenge and so it has been exciting!! Other great news, my sister, Julie, is pregnant again!!! This will be #2 for them. I can't wait for that new sweet little one to come into this world. That baby will be so blessed with such a wonderful, loving family, including the best Aunt in the world (me of course)!! Also, we have been asked to pray through a possible apartment with the ministry we are getting involved with and hope to know pretty quickly whether or not that is where we will be for the next year. I'm excited more and more each day about this ministry opportunity, the chance to touch peoples lives in a different environment then what they might normally be used to. You can all be praying for Aaron as he seeks out another work position. We are constantly praying through where the Lord will lead him next and continue to pray that it is sooner than later. I want him to do something that he loves to do, and that just isn't the case right now. But it's provision by our great God and I am thankful for that!! Well, I guess that's it for now...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

New Beginings....

As of today, my lovely wife starts her new job at Phytel. And from my understanding it is a medical communications company. What is that you ask? Well as I understand it, they go into dr.'s offices and set up a phone system that does away with the postcards that many of us receive when we are due for a physical or annual visit. She will be going back to doing the things that she has been doing before working at the bank and putting her admin. skills back to work. This job is really a blessing for us because it will allow us to be out of debt much quicker than at the rate we are at now, and hopefully allow us to save money to buy a house in the next year or so, Lord willing nothing terrible happens. She is also much closer to our current apartment and her benefits are paid for which is another blessing. We ask for prayer as she starts her new job that the trasition will be smooth and she will learn everything as fast as she can.
Also wanted to let you guys know that we had a great time in Ft. Worth this past weekend. We went to the zoo in the rain, went to an art museum, saw the rangers win against the white sox, walked the streets of downtown, and saw the sith take control of the Galactic Empire (Star wars III for those non Star Wars folk.) It was the first time that Jill and I were able to get away and enjoy each other since the honeymoon, and it was great. Well that is all for now, I have to get back to work. Hope all is well with everyone who visits the site!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Well since our last post we have prayed and talked about upcoming opportunities, and as of now we are going to go ahead and do the apartment life ministry. We have orientation on June 11th and Lord willing we will have an apartment to move into sometime in July since our lease is up on July 30. So you guys can be praying for an apartment opening and for one that is near where we work. Also we have decided that we are going to wait until we are out of debt before Jill can go back to school. We have made such headway into becoming debt free that we want to finish that to completion and also with all the changes being made in our lives school would just be an added stress for Jill and not having that second income would definitely slow us down quite a bit in paying off our debt. We are excited that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and can't wait to be completely out of debt. That is all for now, thanks for your prayers.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The whole Garcia family!! Posted by Hello

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and Jill Garcia Posted by Hello

My sweet family!! Posted by Hello

Vail, Colorado, my home away from home!! Posted by Hello

What and amazing moment, what an amazing Dad!! Posted by Hello

My sweet Mom and I on the best day of my life!! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Aaron and I beginning our new life together!! Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 12, 2005

My 2 cents worth...

I (Jill) wanted to add a few things of my own to our new website! Life has been crazy busy since Aaron and I married last August. I still can't believe it's been nine months already! Married life is wonderful, humbling and character building on a daily basis, but wonderful! I also have a hard time believing that I have been in Dallas almost 2 1/2 years already! God has been so gracious in providing the most amazing church, Watermark Community Church.. I have been so blessed to have four amazing women to walk through life with for the past two years. Melanie, Kelly, Rachel and Becca have been one of the many highlights of my life here in Dallas. Becca and Doug Phillips are currently involved with an amazing ministry called Campus Crusade for Christ and are just started their ministry in Houston, Texas. Melanie and Matt Phillips are also taking on the challenge of doing an overseas ministry in Italy, through Campus Crusade as well. Josh and Rachel Combs are such sweet friends. And Robbie and Kelly Anderson as well. I've added Matt and Mel's website and the Campus Crusade website as well so that you can find out more about the college ministry that is making it's way through campuses all over the U.S. and other countries as well! Anyway, I also wanted to add on to what Aaron wrote earlier about our ministry opportunity coming up this fall, Apartment Life. As of right now, we are continuing to pray through the opportunity there, and truly seeking the Lord out on this to see if this is what He would have us do next. As of right now, we have been accepted and are waiting to find out if there will be a community available during the month of July for us to move in to. I'm excited to see where the Lord takes us and ask for continued prayer. We love y'all and pray the Lord's blessings on each and every one of your lives! I'll end with that!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Technology Is Great

While having your own website is nice, it also cost money, and we are saving most of our dimes to get out of debt as soon as possible. So welcome to our free blog site. What is a blog you might ask well you can find the answer here. This site is mostly for those of our friends and family who are not as close as we would like and instead of using all possible cell phone minutes we have decided to communicate via this site to save on time and to allow you guys to be kept up to date on our daily, weekly lives.
To start out this blog site we want to let everyone know that we are in the process of praying about a ministry opportunity called Apartment Life. If the Lord shows us that this is where he wants us then it would also open the door for Jill to go to school and try for an associates in accounting. We are excited about the opportunity and would appreciate your prayers in this decision. I (Aaron) am studying for my Group 1 (Health and Life Insurance) test so that I can start financial planning for families. Again this is something that we are earnestly praying through and ask for your prayers as well. As far as everything else we are good. We are enjoying being married and sharing life together. We are planning a small get away to Fort Worth for memorial day weekend and we are definitely looking forward to that.
Well that is all for now, feel free to post comments to this blog and check out some of the websites we go to sometimes. Talk to you soon.