Monday, December 19, 2005

Too Long, Too long!

Us, November 2005

I must apologize for the gap in communication here! It's amazing how fast life goes by the older you get! Well, let's see, since my last update, my sister has welcomed Miriam Elizabeth into this world, my grandmother found out that she has breast cancer, has been healed of all the cancer in her body, and my grandfather has joined sweet Jesus in heaven! A lot has taken place over the past two months. A lot of hard times and yet so many wonderful and joyous times as well. The Lord has truly blessed our family so much and has brought us all so much closer to each other and more importantly, to Him. I am realizing, over and over again, the importance of having a solid family and a supportive church. I know I have said this so many times, but our church here in Dallas is just so devoted to the Lord and although we are not a perfect people, we choose to serve a perfect God! Apartment Life is going well, we are keeping extremly busy with it. I'd thought we would kind of have the routine down by now, but nope, it's still overwhelming at times! Always exciting though! Work is good, I'm continuing to work my way up in the company and have taken on yet another role of heading up a brand new HR department. Remember it's only a company of 12 so far, so it's not that big of a task, but it's nice to start out small so that mistakes are an easier recovery! I'm also continuing as the Office Manager and Accounting Person as well. We have recently brought on two contract Controllers, one of which I think is moving towards full time with our company so that will be a nice weight lifted off my shoulders, hopefully! Aaron has also found new employment!! Praise the Lord! He is employed by a company and contracted out to a different company working as an internal IT person. He absolutely loves it and is hoping to be hired on directly with the company wihtin the next few months! We are continuing to pursue a small group of three other young married couples that we will be meeting with more often after the 1st of the year and will continue to build that community with them, the girls meeting for bible study and the guys will start meeting for accountability and bible study as well. We are also continuing to work on getting out of debt and are quickly coming to the finish line! We hope to be completely out of debt by our 2nd anniversary, August 2006! Praise the Lord for that as well! Anyway, I guess that's it for now. No baby Garcia's on the way yet, but you never know what the Lord has in store! We love you all and pray for blessings for you and your family during this wonderful Christmas season!! Love and hugs! Aaron and Jill.

Baby Miriam Elizabeth Leacock

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