Monday, January 26, 2009

Caleb, today you are 3 weeks old! Mommy can't believe it! The first three weeks of your life have been amazing, wonderful, difficult at times, but absolutely more thrilling than I could ever have imagined!You've gone from newborn baby to a little chunky monkey! You eat up to 6 oz at each feeding, wow! That's double what a normal baby your age should be eating. The nurse said that it's ok to keep feeding you as much as you'll eat, there must be a reason you're eating that much to begin with!

At your two week appointment, you weighed in at 8lbs. 14.5oz., which means you've already gained over a pound. Most babies are just getting back to their birth weight at that point, so you're ahead of the game. You also ranked in the 50th percentile for weight and height, which is perfect, since mommy and daddy are both the "average" american size.

You love to sleep, well, during the day that is! Night times are a little rough, but we're working through them, and daddy has been a HUGE help with that! He comes in and saves the day when mommy gets a little too tired, frustrated and emotional. Thank you for that daddy, you are AMAZING!! You sleep on your side sometimes, but have found that sleeping on your stomach is your favorite position, especially if it's on mommy or daddy's chest!

You also love to make a ton of different faces. We find ourselves sitting and staring at you, just laughing because you are so stinkin' cute! I'll post more of your faces next...

You are very alert and STRONG! You have been able to lift and move your head on your own since about 10 days old. Sometimes, we don't know where you're going to go and have trouble holding you still. You often fight us when we're trying to change your diaper and/or changes your onesie, but somehow, we always get it worked out, even if it does take and extra 5 minutes!You LOVE to grunt when burping, and espeically when you're making a dirty, like most babies. It's so adorable to see your grunting face, you squint your forehead and sometimes curl your lips. Mommy just can't get enough of you!!

You also LOVE bathtime. Thank goodness our bathroom is the warmest place in the whole house, I think that definitely has something to do with it. You don't fuss hardly at all, and mommy loves getting you all wrapped up in your little hoodie towel when we're through, and holding you tight (with the exception of when you decide to pee pee in your towel and all over mommy as well)!

You now have a double chin, and no visible neck. Thanks to all that extra food you're getting, no doubt! You're also starting to get some serious rolls on your thighs. Mommy is still praying against the 25lbs. at 4 months like your daddy was. I want to continue to be able to hold you and love on you without having to worry about my arm falling off from you being so heavy. I think you'll fill out nicely, and I know that chunky babies are much healthier and cuter as well. Keep packing on those pounds, in moderation of course honey! You will only continue to get cuter with time, I know it!!

Things I want to remember most about this time with you...

1.) I LOVE BEING AT HOME WITH YOU!!!! I feel like for the 1st time in my life, I'm actually living out what I was created to do, be a mommy!! Thank you Lord, for this, as I know it's only because of you that I am able to do this full time!!

2.) You sometimes coo and talk in your sleep. Mommy is starting to learn all your different noises and cries and it's so fun!!

3.) You have laughed twice now and smile all the time (all while dreaming of course)! Daddy missed the 1st time you laughed, but you did it again while he was holding you the other day and his smile was ear to ear!! I can't wait to hear you laugh and see you smile on purpose, not just because you're dreaming!

4.) You like to be swaddled, but you have to have your arms loose. Just like you were in the womb. I always felt you moving the little parts of your body and now I'm realizing that it was probably your arms and hands tht were always tickling me!

5.) You have sucked on daddy's face and nose many times hoping to find more food, but are always disappointed at the outcome. Of course, daddy teases you pretty bad, so he's got it coming to him anyway!

6.) You are done with newborn diapers and are already in size 1! I can't believe it! They are still a little bit big on you, but you do a great job of filling them to the maximum capacity. That's how we knew you were ready for the next size up.

So, here's my current favorite picture of you, smiling of course! You are precious and such a blessing and gift from the Lord! I love praying with you during the night, and praying for you during the day. You are healthy, beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made and such a JOY to my heart, each and every day! I love you Caleb!!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Friday, a Big Day at the Garcias

Friday was a very eventful day for us! We started out pretty early. Caleb ate breakfast and then we started to get ready to go visit all our friends at Shay's 1st Birthday party! Caleb, of course, had to show up in style, and I must admit, it was SUPER fun for me to dress him in his first outfit, rather than just a cute little white onesie that he wears all day while at home. I know, it's a little big, but what can I say, he just so stinkin' cute anyway!!

Shay thoroughly enjoyes her cupcake and by the end of eating it, she was wearing it head to toe.

This is such a sweet picture of Katie and Julia! I'm so sad I didn't get more pictures of the event!

Once we got home from the birthday party, it was nap time. I love it when he curls up on mommy's chest and sleeps like this, it's one of my favorite parts of the day!

Our next big event was Caleb's bathtime! We were still sponge bathing at this time because his cord had not fallen off yet, but it did later that day and his belly button is looking so great! At first he was crying but once we got going, I think he ended up enjoying himself very much because he just sat there and cooed (sp?) as I wiped him down with soapy water!

After bathtime, it was time for a manicure! We sat in the rocker and I trimmed and filed Caleb's sharp nails. We're hoping that as the weeks go on, his face will clear up and he will stop scratching his face up. Poor little guy, the first week his face was pretty beat up, but each day it's getting better!

He also spent some time in our swing! Thanks to Travis and Andrea for letting us borrow it! While he's still too little to actually swing in it (the 1st setting of the swing is pretty violent for his size), he enjoyes just sitting in it and looking around, and of course, falling asleep!

And, of course, I had to add a favorite picture of the day. What a sweetie he is!

This is my absolute favorite picture of the day, by far. He sure does love his chest time with us! He's such a cuddler! If only he could sleep this well at night and not just during the day!!

Our 1st Date Night!

While my mom was in town this past week, she was wonderful to let us go out for our first date night since Caleb was born! While it was short (we were both so exhausted), it was much needed and we had such a fun time. We went to Red Lobster for dinner (my pick), then made a trip to Best Buy where we had $60 in coupons and got to pick out some Blue Ray movies, and finally stopped off at Kohl's to try and find some gloves for Aaron, but instead found me some! We were out for about 2 hours, but it felt like so much longer! I, of course, called home to check in and Caleb was being great for Grandma, no surprise there.

One other thing I don't want to forget about the night, was the fact that I got to wear my pre-pregnancy jeans!!!Thanks again, Mom, for everything you did during your week here. You were an amazing help, from cooking dinner, to doing laundry, to cleaning the bathrooms, to taking the early night feeding so that I could get some much needed sleep! I might be calling you to come back sooner than you think! I love you!!

And finally, here's a picture of Aaron and I as we're getting ready to leave.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

One week

Well one week ago today our lives changes forever and it has been such a blessing. We could not ask for anything more! This week has definitely shown us both the ups and downs of being new parents. Caleb has been jaundice this whole time peaking at 16.8 on the Bili-Reuben tests. We had to take him to the pediatrician 4 times in 3 days, but Friday we got the news that his number had dropped to 15! Praise the Lord!

For the most part Jill and I are exhausted with the occasional 3 hour nap in between feedings and trying to get him back to sleep. Unfortunately he has gotten his days and nights switched up so he falls back o sleep pretty fast after feedings during the day, but come night time he stays awake forever then by the time we get him into his bassinet he is hungry again and the cycle continues. Fortunately this too shall pass and Jill and I will be able to get a few more hours of sleep at one time...sooner or later :-) For now, Jill is sleeping when the baby does and I have tried to do the same.

Jill is doing great and has been feeling better each day. We are working through the nursing deal, but for now we are supplementing with formula, and whatever she can get through pumping. We hope and pray that this won't be the norm because it is so expensive, but we will do what we need to do to give him what he needs.

All in all things are really good! I think that I have definitely gotten past the surreal stage and get that this is it. We have a son and he is a great gift from God. It has been great to sit with him and see him stare back at me even though I know he can't quite make me out. I got a little emotional yesterday as I stared into his eyes and just prayed for him. That the Lord will heal him from the jaundice, that he will know Christ as his personal Savior, that I will be a great father for him, that he will know joy and happiness that only One can give. I heard over and over again how having kids would change your life and how things are just different, but one cannot completely understand it until they hold their very own in their arms. Until their heart stops when their baby stops breathing for a split second because he is crying so hard, or jump out of bed when you hear even the slightest whimper hoping that every thing is OK. I have prayed daily that God will protect him as he sleeps, and the Lord has been good! We are excited to see what the Lord is going to do in this little persons life and can't wait to see what is next.

Here are a few pics since the hospital. We are obviously bias, but we think he is a stinkin' cute kid!

We are not sure why, but he has this frown on his face quite a bit. He has a whole bunch more faces, but we haven't quite captured those yet. People say he gets that from me (Aaron), go figure ;-)


Monday, January 05, 2009

Momma and Baby

Sorry there hadn't been any pics of the baby and momma, but here is one I took an hour or so ago. Side note: Cone head is diminishing...woohoo!

Here is one of our dear friends and the helpful 2nd coach during labor, Karla! You can check out their blog here.


So we have been very blessed and have had the whole morning to ourselves to just relax and do nothing but enjoy our new little bundle of joy. Jill was able to feel better once she was able to shower and a new woman. She looks great and is feeling great!

We did have a couple of visitors and Grandpa and Grandma came back as well with some much wanted lunch for Aaron. Jill is well taken care of with the menu they offer here at the hospital. In fact I am a little jealous that she is getting some really awesome food. And I am not saying that the food is good for hospitals, I mean it is good for most restaurants. So needless to say she is good to go in the food department!

Here are more pics of the baby, Grandma Garcia and Casey (Jill's small group Co-Leader).

Last Night

So first night in the hospital went really good, at least for my expectations. We were both able to sleep pretty well between feedings. The baby stayed in the nursery until feedings at 1am and 5am. Fortunately the nurses also did their thing around the same time as the feedings so that was nice for Jill so that she could actually get some much needed sleep. If anyone is wondering, we are in room c475 at Presby Plano. We think we will be leaving tomorrow afternoon, but we will see how baby does tonight. He is A+ and Jill is O+ so there is a risk for jaundice, but we pray he won't have that problem.

Here are a few more pics with some friends of ours from church, the Sheltons.

Grandpa and Grandma Preuss.

Caleb hangin' out with Grandpa.

Sunday, January 04, 2009


Here are a couple of pics with Grandma and Grandpa (we will post more with the other 2 Grandparents soon)

Grandma Preuss and Baby Caleb.

Grandpa Garcia, and Baby Caleb.

And done...

So after moving to the new room and getting "settled" in we were able to take some better photos. So here are ones of the Garcia clan.

Daddy and Baby! Does he look like daddy or mommy?

The Garcia's...YEA!

He's Here!!!!

We have a boy...7 lbs 13 oz. He was a weeks early and was born at 11:57 am. Special thanks to Karla who was a great coach and help during the 2 hours of pushing that Jill had to do! She was such a champ and I am very proud of her! He is definitely cone headed, so I will try to take some more pics as his head becomes normal again.

He is healthy and all boy! Thank you Lord for such a precious gift and the opportunity to raise a young man up in your ways! We praise you for this miracle and are excited to see what you will do in his life.
Thank you for all your prayers.
Aaron and Jill.


She is at 9cm and they are paging the Dr now. So hopefully anytime now we will greet baby Caleb into the world!

It Begins...

So Jill started having contractions this morning around 12:45am. By 3am we decided to call the Dr. and they said to come on in to the hospital. So we arrived and they admitted us. We are currently 5 cm and 75% affaced. The epideral is in and things are 100% better for Jill now with the contractions. They were definitely not fun! Nurse says we are just sailing at this point. Here are a few pics of the labor room. It is definitely nice!

More updates to come!