Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Jefferson here we come!

Ok, so what is Jefferson you ask? Actually it is part of the name of the new apartment complex, Jefferson at Park Central where we will be residing and involved with Apartment life. We are really excited about this move and the opportunity this brings for the ministry! We will be partnered up with another couple who attend our church. They are young and we actually met them awhile back. They were apart of our young marrieds group. So right off the bat we will have help and encouragement from a team that has already done this for awhile. We would ask all you to be praying for the hearts of the tenents of the complex that they will be receptive to us. Pray that we will be a light in this place, and that we will be faithful and available for whatever God has in store for us. Pray that we will be able to come together with the other couple and use our strengths to make this ministry great in His name. Pray for our time management and our transition since we will literally be jumping into everything as soon as we move in which is July 2nd. Pray that the move goes well and that all that runs smoothly. We thank all of you who already pray for us daily, we appreciate it greatly.
If you would like to see where we will be living you can click on link above and see the complex or click here for a layout of the actual apartment. They are very nice luxury apartments with plenty of amenities and not very far from either of our jobs. Now that we have an extra bedroom, we would love to have people come and stay with us as soon as we get settled, so don't hesitate!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great couple.

Congrats guys!

I have a more serious blog - but visit it sometime.
