Friday, June 10, 2005

My little blog...

Hey all!! As Aaron mentioned I began a new job at Phytel, Inc. on June 1st. Although I do not have a set job title, I basically am the office manager. So far it has been great! I was kind of thrown into the fire from day one, but I love a good challenge and so it has been exciting!! Other great news, my sister, Julie, is pregnant again!!! This will be #2 for them. I can't wait for that new sweet little one to come into this world. That baby will be so blessed with such a wonderful, loving family, including the best Aunt in the world (me of course)!! Also, we have been asked to pray through a possible apartment with the ministry we are getting involved with and hope to know pretty quickly whether or not that is where we will be for the next year. I'm excited more and more each day about this ministry opportunity, the chance to touch peoples lives in a different environment then what they might normally be used to. You can all be praying for Aaron as he seeks out another work position. We are constantly praying through where the Lord will lead him next and continue to pray that it is sooner than later. I want him to do something that he loves to do, and that just isn't the case right now. But it's provision by our great God and I am thankful for that!! Well, I guess that's it for now...

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